Saturday 3 August 2013


I was flabbergasted when I read ther news on Wednesday, 31st of July 2013, that INEC registers APC as a new political party. Then I started to ponder, the registration of APC would it be a blessing or a curse to the our Great Nation?

What does APC entails; APC is the conglomeration of three political parties. These parties are;
*The Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN),
*All Nigeria Peoples’ Party (ANPP), and
*Congress for Progressive Change (CPC).
The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has approved the application by these three political parties stated above to merge into one, and be known as the All Progressives Congress (APC).
Also, reports had it, In a press statement signed by the secretary to the Commission, Abdullahi Kaugama, that “the applicant-parties have met all statutory requirements for the merger, and their request has been granted accordingly".
So, definitely, it looks to be a world of PDP vs. APC. What would be their fate in the next general election? Considering the fact that PDP is currently having some internal rancour within itself, such as the current PDP crisis in Rivers State.
It's really a food for thought, the situation that we are, in this noble country Nigeria.
The ruling Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), known as the self-styled largest party on the African continent. Let us also consider the fact that (former)ACN, gained some PDP states in the last election (e.g Ogun State), and are almost getting to where PDP is.
We should also not forget the fact that its not ACN alone now, now it's ACN +ANPP + CPC.

The state Leader of Congress for Progressive Change (CPC) in Ogun State, Olawale Okunniyi is reported to have congratulated INEC for the registration. He said “The registration of APC is expected to bring about good governance and restructuring of the country, which the Nigerian Progressives has consistently canvassed in the last three decades.”

The dominant party in Nigeria is now bound to be effectively engaged and checked by the newly registered mega force and that will surely put the PDP on its toes to shun impunity and recklessness of the current order, thereby enriching Nigerian nascent democracy” Okunniyi said.
The most fascinating thing to me is that PDP members acclaim that the ACP merger poses no threat to them. The Lagos state PDP, described the merging as only a process met, and also wonder why the merged parties are over-celebrating it, because the merged party is in no way up to an iota of serious threat to PDP. It was reported by Channels Television;

''The party, in a statement by the publicity secretary of its Lagos chapter, Mr. Taofik Gani said “This is imperative in view of the pending suit on the original ownership of the Acronym, APC. The suit is still pending and one would expect that actions must be stayed. Why should INEC flout this judicial Rule.

There is a skeleton in somebody’s wardrobe! This Probe must thus start now and if the process of confirmation of the Name is found to be tainted, then Professor Attahiru Jega must be sacked and arrested “.

Lagos state PDP shake their head for ACN in lagos state, because PDP thinks, that the ACN made a biggest mistake by re-branding into APC, as ACN has lost its SouthWest identity because of over ambition to win the presidency.”

PDP also made it very clear that, despite the fact that the merged parties re-branded their name, it does not mean that they are the best, or they are going to defeat PDP, also that the acronym APC is just a name, and that the individual parties seek re branding because they are bad products and their individual name cannot sell. However, PDP also established that they should take note that, the APC name won't avail then as Nigerians are looking at personality in themselves and note mere politically rebranded names.
In conclusion, mathematically, I want to deduce the equation as;
PDP vs. APC = commotion.

Article By: (Legal parrot)
Odusote Yetunde Toyeebah
300 level Law
Olabisi Onabanjo University.

Tuesday 23 July 2013

#ChildNotBride:A gross Misrepresentation of Fact and Law

I live on the street, where been a female is of no value, where all females actions are relegated, where her future has no future,where she count not of importance.
A girl is not a property to be given away.Tell those people that the feminine gender is not a property... A woman has the right to choose not to be married or marry but only when she is mentally mature enough to decide. By robbing her of that committing homicide of d highest order.
To be realistic? ,what voice would I have had if I was married out at the age of 13.Right now I am opportune to be caught in this debate because ¶ am an undergraduate and as a result enlightened and not married to a mallam, and giving him kids like pigs. We girls should get married with our own consent, our own mind,.a right to choose who we want to be with. I am not in support of the CHILDBRIDE.
I think, it is the noblest cause on the earth, to not only prepare the future for our children and also prepare our children for the future...But before this FIGHT, which I will love to join, let's get our facts right.
Scott Prestwich Charles, a renowned journalist, submitted many years ago that “comment is free but facts are sacred.” It means that before one exercises his freedom of expression, he or she must get his facts right or straight.

For about 3days now, child marriage is what is in vogue, everybody, everywhere are talking about it through the social media, rallies, demonstrations etc. People showing their grievances and despite, for the senators about it, but the truth of the matter is, that is not the issue.permit me to comment on the present onslaught on the Nigerian Senate about legalising child marriage.
According to the reports on Vangaurd Newspaper, on Tuesday, July 16, 2013, 101 Senators out of 109,assembled to trash out the amendment of the constitution of the federal republic of Nigeria, which was an on-going exercise. There was 31 classes of amendment, including terms of office of elected officers and autonomy of local government authority.

Last week, the senate considered for amendment certain of provisions of Sections 26 to 32of the constitution, which deals with citizenship, and this particular one created the talks of today. It is pertinent to note however that, the child marriage issue was not in contemplation at all.Controversy began when the honourable members of the senate considered Section 29, which deals with renunciation of citizenship for amendment, and this created disaffection in some quarters.Senator Ike Ekwerenmadu-led Senate’s Constitution Review Committee, proposed the deletion of Section 29, Subsection 4b of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999 (as amended).
Section 29 of the CFRN, goes thus:
29. (1) Any citizen of Nigeria of full age who wishes to renounce his Nigerian citizenship shall make a declaration in the prescribed manner for the renunciation.
(2) The President shall cause the declaration made under subsection (1) of this section to be registered and upon such registration, the person who made the declaration shall cease to be a citizen of Nigeria.
(3) The President may withhold the registration of any declaration made under subsection (1) of this section if-
(a) the declaration is made during any war in which Nigeria is physically involved; or
(b) in his opinion, it is otherwise contrary to public policy.
(4) For the purposes of subsection (1) of this section.
(a) "full age" means the age of eighteen years and above;
(b) any woman who is married shall be deemed to be of full age.

The vote, which had already been taken and carried by the required two-thirds members of the Senate (75 of 109),and which the senate was almost amending with the view of removing the 'B' part of section 4, had to be revisited when Ahmed Sani Yerima (ANPP-Zamfara West),former Governor of Zamfara State worked himself into a frenzy,by invoking a point of order citing Item 61 of Part 1 of the Second Schedule of the Constitution.
On the floor of the senate, he objected the removal of the clause and went a step further by pilling si much pressure on his colleagues not to allow the amendment to pass. Yerima propelled shooting down of the amendment, however, this act, sent a wrong and dangerous signal, that some members of the senate wants to further endanger the girl child in an environment that is made unsafe by socio- economic and security challenges.
Interestingly, by the time the vote was called, the senate could not muster the required 73 votes to allow the amendment sail through.

Had the amendment sailed through, the direct import would have been that those who relish abusing the girl child via marriage would no longer have any excuse under the constitution. Now, those girl child who have been conscripted into marriages across the country would also qualify to be described as adults because they are married.
On a most serious note, the fact that the provision was not expunged or amended is a very good one, because it would have been unfair on the female child.


*Reserch has it that, the CHILD RIGHT ACT, 2003, has only be domesticated by twenty six states out of 36 states, the government should, ensure that all states domesticate it, and also Enforce it.The 12 states that are yet to pass the Act into Law are: Enugu, Kaduna, Kano, Sokoto, Kebbi, Borno, Yobe, Gombe, Adamawa, Bauchi, Katsina, and Zamfara.

* In my humble opinion, I do not think the removal of Section 29(4) (b) will save the Nigerian child from child marriage, if  we do not collectively put pressure on the core northern states, who are yet to pass the Child Rights Act into state laws to do so without further delay.

* Another thing, is to create a nation fit for children, built through enlightenment and sustained through child protection social policing.

*Also to review the Marriage Act and Matrimonial Causes act, and give a specific age for majority.

*Also a review of the criminal code and the penal code to make provisions for the offence of child marriage and also punishment for such act would help a great measure in discouraging Nigerians to participate in such barbaric and inhumane practise.
I also want to comment the effort of my friends on this issue, LegalEagle, LegalPrince, LegalLion, saiddigge. Thanks so much for the enlightenment.